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Organization Proxy

Configure the Organization Proxy to send messages using the eAdaptor Outbound Service.


This configuration is only required for using the outbound service and is not required for using the inbound service.

Locate your Organization Proxy

In Companies find the the company where the name matches the company you are logged in under, this is the organization proxy.

The company you are logged in under can be easily identified from the CargoWise window title bar:

Companies Organization Proxy

EDI Communications

Open the organization proxy located in Companies to Edit Organization. Open the Details > Config > EDI Communications tab.

Add EDI Communication Modes for each Module and File For (message type) combination you will require the eAdaptor Outbound Service to send out update messages for.

EDI Communications

EDI Communication Modes

Each line added should have the following values:

  • Module - The module you require eAdaptor outbound messages to be sent out for.
  • Comm. Direction - Should be TRX (Transmit).
  • File For - Should be either XUS (XML Universal Shipment) to send full details of the related record responsible for the message; or XUE (XML Universal Event) to send minimal details regarding the record identifier and event responsible for the message.

For Order Fulfillment Integrations for CargoWise Warehouse: Module will be WOU (Warehouse Release) and File For will be XUS (XML Universal Shipment).


Comm. Transport should be set to EDP (eAdaptor Interface).